PETRONAS Structured Interview (SI)
-Cerita dari Pengalaman Sebenar-
Ada yang bertanya tips dan nasihat berkenaan PETRONAS Structured Interview atau lebih dikenali dengan akronimnya SI.
Adapun ini hanya penceritaan berdasarkan pengalaman dan pandangan peribadi penulis, bukannya fatwa rigid atau ketetapan yang harus diikut oleh semua.
In General, SI Flow
Awal Disember, menerima emel dari PETRONAS Sponsorship and Talent Sourcing (STS). Perkhabaran mengenai persediaan pelajar tahun akhir tajaan PETRONAS untuk menghadapi temuduga yang akan menjamin jaminan kerjaya. Berbeza dengan batch sebelumnya, SI kali ini dibahagikan kepada 2 kategori:
1. Individual Interview
2. Group Interview
2. Group Interview
Penulis adalah salah seorang yang terpilih untuk melalui Individual Interview yang dijadualkan selama lebih 2 ke 3 jam (bergantung kepada kebosanan dan keceriaan penemuduga)
Skema yang diterima oleh senior2 sebelumnya berkenaan Flow SI adalah lebih kurang serupa sahaja:
1. Self Introduction
2. Case Study
3. Roleplay
4. Projects Experiences (plus internship)
2. Case Study
3. Roleplay
4. Projects Experiences (plus internship)
Kebiasaannya no.2 dan no.3 di atas adalah dalam group, tetapi kes yang dihadapi penulis dan beberapa teman lain, ketiganya berbentuk individual assessment.
In my case, 2 interviewers were assigned to assessed me, a lady from upstream and a man from downstream business, both already retired from of course you can't give false fact or ayat directnya sembang kencang with them.
There will be a slot in the SI session where they will give you opportunity to ask anything from them... so adik2, teman2 yang akan menghadapi SI...don't ever waste this golden opportunity...tanya je apa2pun based on their expertise which you think it will benefit you in the future. Or kalau dah xda idea sangat, just ask about their experiences, opinion about current situation in oil and gas industry. Believe me, they will passionately sharing their knowledge and success story. humble enough to ask them about the room for improvement which they may think it will be good for you..what can make you better and so semua berdasarkan your SI.
Ahhaaa...jujur cakap, this slot yang agak mendebarkan since ada beberapa soalan yang bagi penulis agak killer. Common questions from interviewer to start up the slot:
1. Tell us about yourself?
2. Strengths and Weaknesses
3. Family Background
4. Internship Experiences (sentuh sikit2 sebab nnti akan elaborate further in next slot)
Basically they dont expect us to told about our hobbies, our personal life and so on. What i can share, sebenarnya untuk soalan 1, they want to know who are you in the campus? Your participation in CoQ, student bodies and club...
For Question 2, anda lebih kenal diri anda sendiri..jadilah sejujur boleh tapi jangan sampai menampakkan diri anda sangat lemah.. tell them about your positive attributes and jangan terpedaya dengan "weakness" tu, sebenarnya they want to know how your strength will cover your weakness. Ayat mudah, bagaimana anda ingin tukarkan kelemahan menjadi kekuatan anda dan bagaiman kekuatan anda mampu mengatasi kelemahan anda.
Provide any real case study which you experienced before in your life.
Question 3, It will be interesting to share if your family had some nice history, contohnya bangkit dari kesusahan and so on...and jangan lupa relatekan how you take the lesson learnt in your life. Mungkin itu yang mendorong kejayaan anda di kampus etc2.
Question 4, briefly explained about your internship experiences...challenges you faced and opportunity you have which make you better.
Case Study
At first, you will get a bunch of hints from seniors regarding SI case study topic, yeah it will be a bonus if you put little effort and do homework about it. But in my case, tiada satu pun yang keluar, so just imagine perasaan bila dapat topik case study just relax, be positive, tarik nafas, istighfar banyak2 and start to think about it.
They will provide a piece of a4 paper (you can ask for more) and a pencil in order for you to get prepared for delivering and presenting about the case study in front of the interviewers later. At this time, just write anything that come out in your mind on that paper. Tapi pastikan tersusun dan matang la ye...penulis dulu buat mind map, divided into few parts:
1. Introduction
2. Problems
3. Effects
4. Mitigation Plan
5. Conclusion
2. Problems
3. Effects
4. Mitigation Plan
5. Conclusion
It will be a bonus if you make a better layout on your paper..since in my case, masa mula2 masuk the interviewer akan tengok jugak what you wrote on the paper, penulis masih ingat interviewers masa tu cakap, "oh you made a mind map..good2"...
The interviewers will interrupt you while you presenting the case study, Ingat! There will be no right or wrong answer...all depend on you based on your understanding, ideas and the way you convince them. Penulis dulu rasa puas when both interviewers agreed with my ideas and both of them angguk2 tanda setuju. Hint kat sini, keep humble and yakin dengan apa yang anda present. Jangan tunjuk sangat tak tahu.
Maaf, penulis tidak sempat mendalami roleplay session since dah 3 jam interview berlalu
Bolehla bertanya pada yang lebih pakar.

Bolehla bertanya pada yang lebih pakar.
Projects and Internship (details on challenges and action)
Important points to be taken:
1. Share any problem we faced during the project and internship.
2. How you solved the problems? Is it by yourself or by the help of others?
3. Maybe memorable experiences yang xkan lupa and give high impact to your life.
4. Lesson learnt.
Setakat ini dahulu coretan pengalaman penulis. Moga ianya bermanfaat kepada teman2 yang bakal menghadapi situasi yang sama inshaAllah.
Penulis sempat bertanyakan nasihat para penemuduga di akhir sesi temuduga...antara yang penulis boleh kongsikan ialah:
1. Bertenang and just be yourself, jangan pernah cuba jadi orang lain..they will realise that
2. Put a little effort in presenting case study...buatlah macam mana pun but make sure utilize bahan2 yang diberi (kertas dll)
3. Humble yet confident in ourself
4. Banyak bertanya bila diberi peluang
5. Matang dalam menyampaikan pandangan dan menyelesaikan masalah.
All the best...boleh pm dan whatsapp penulis untuk tahu lebih detail...inshaAllah akan cuba membantu sebaik mungkin.
Ma'an Najah.